We've been told for years to take fish oil for everything from heart and brain health, to improving skin and joint function. In fact, many of you may have already popped a fish oil pill or slugged down some cod liver oil this morning. Well, I've been researching and talking about the dangers of fish oil for some time, but this week's guest, Professor Brian Peskin, brings ALL the science to this heated debate... and I believe he remains the clear winner. Prof. Peskin has dedicated his life to researching Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and how they affect cellular health. Peskin shares potentially shocking info on the dangers of fish oil, and explains a scientifically proven approach to fixing cell membrane health through the proper use of EFAs, which he called "Parent Essential Oils" (PEOs). During the interview, we dig into the cellular effects of fish oil, the best oils for cooking, how to safely supplement with PEOs, how PEOs can transform mitochondrial health, and much more. A fascinating conversation for any health seeker, and Peskin's book is now required reading for the doctors whom I coach. Please share!
Want to try PureForm, a PEO based supplement that adheres to Peskin's guidelines? Use code "pure" to get 15% OFF at checkout here:
Notice: Dr. Daniel Pompa is licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association (PMA). For detailed licensing & disclaimer information, visit:
Dr. Pompa has voluntarily relinquished his chiropractic license in the state of Pennsylvania in order to more effectively pursue his dream of world health.
Part 2: The Truth About Fish Oil - CHTV 197 detox water
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